
每年, 韦德娱乐app下载地址 offers exciting experiences abroad to help students explore new cultures, 扩展他们的世界观, 练习另一门语言, 创造终身的记忆. The following excursions are available for the 2022-2023 school year and enable students to complete the travel requirement for our 全球教育集中度.

Legacies of Influence in Italian Architecture (Venice, Florence, and Rome) with Atlas Workshops

意大利经常重新定义自己在全球秩序中的地位. 从古罗马到文艺复兴时期的佛罗伦萨和威尼斯, Italian cities have been at the forefront as inventive centers of architecture, 工程, 和行业. 虽然这些时代早已过去, this trip will allow us to explore what’s left behind from the cities of the past and consider how ideas from centuries ago continue to shape our world today. 当我们走进古老的论坛, 高耸的教堂, 还有繁华的市场广场, 我们将努力了解是什么让这些地方如此永恒. 为什么历史遗迹在今天仍然很重要? How can cities adapt and change while also preserving their defining legacies? 请参阅有关影响遗产的更多详细信息之前.


As the capital of France, for many, Paris represents French history, cuisine, fashion, and culture. Geographically, it is even located in the region called Ile de France or the Isle of France. 从美丽的博物馆和纪念碑, 比如卢浮宫和埃菲尔铁塔, 到标志性的街道, 比如香榭丽舍大街, it is a city that is familiar to all of us and never seems to change. 与此形成鲜明对比的是,马赛在不断变化和发展. As France’s second most populated city and biggest Mediterranean port, Marseille offers visitors a chance to explore its multicultural history, 南方菜, 充满活力的文化遗址. 这是一座似乎建立在对比之上的城市. 从最古老的中心, Le箩, 可以追溯到公元前600年, 去了波西米亚的于连城, 以街头艺术和涂鸦闻名, 以及致力于地中海文化的穆塞姆博物馆, Marseille has definitely earned its title of European Capital of Culture. 在这里查看更多关于法语的详细信息.



韦德娱乐app下载地址学校的合作伙伴 St. 保罗的学校 in Barcelona, Spain, offers a wonderful, short-term (one month) experience for up to five students. St. 保罗的学校 students visit 韦德娱乐app下载地址 in September/October, and Solebury students visit St. 二月/三月的保罗学校. Students will experience the beauty and history of Spanish culture and will strengthen their fluency with the langu年龄. Students live with a host family and form a relationship that could last a lifetime. The exchange is intended for 9th and 10th grade students in Levels 2 or 3 of Spanish. Th之前 is no additional tuition cost for this program, just the cost of the flight to Spain.

如果你有兴趣在西班牙学习和/或举办St. 保罗学校2023-2024学年的学生, 请联系全球教育总监, 露西安骑士.

“我的周末远足, 再加上我在城里闲逛的时间, walking down narrow streets and going to museums w之前 the most 'cultural' and engaging times I had in Barcelona. 尽我所能, 我会乘3路地铁去加泰罗尼亚广场或利泽乌, 然后从那里探索老城. El Raval and La Ribera are two neighborhoods that I came to know and love, 都在原来的巴塞罗那. Many buildings are old and hold historical context, yet the streets are not throbbing with tourists. 拉瓦尔有大量的阿拉伯和亚洲人口, 因此,它是许多民族食品的中心. 非常漂亮, 街道极其狭窄,人流不断, 自行车, 和摩托车."
——Isaiah ginsburg-henry '20


在瑞士st - lsamiier交换

韦德娱乐app下载地址 students can participate in a one-month exchange with students from the French/英语 Haut-Lac International Bilingual School in St-Légier, 瑞士, 位于美丽的日内瓦湖地区的蒙特勒和洛桑之间. Solebury families will host Haut-Lac students in October/November; Solebury students travel to 瑞士 in February/March. 在瑞士的时候, 索伯里的学生将住在寄宿家庭, attending classes with their exchange students and exploring the surrounding area. The exchange is intended for 9th and 10th grade students who are in, or have taken, French classes. Pref之前nce will be given to these students; however, 如果你不学法语的话, 欢迎你来申请. Th之前 is no additional tuition cost for this program, just the cost of the flight to 瑞士.

If you are int之前sted in studying in 瑞士 and/or hosting a Haut-Lac student for the 2023-2024 school year, 请联系全球教育总监, 露西安骑士.


如果您对上述任何旅行有疑问,请联系 露西安骑士


