
The four symbols that make up the school seal are imbued with meaning:

橡子和橡树叶 代表经济增长. Massive oak trees 成长 from tiny acorns, just as Solebury grew from a simple idea and a few students 95 years ago. When we take small and positive actions, and practice patience and perseverance, we inspire 成长th all around us.

犁的 represents stewardship and cultivation. If we want something to flourish—a school, 一个家庭, 一个政府, 一块土地, or a friendship—we must dedicate our care and energy. Each of us has a responsibility to be a cultivator of our communities and our own lives.

《韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载》 represents hard work, pushing ourselves to overcome adversity. 我们成长为人, 推进制度建设, and improve our societies when we are willing to confront head on that which is difficult.

猫头鹰 represents our aspiration for wisdom. Our highest goal in living and learning is not wealth, 权力, 或者高高在上, it’s striving to learn how we can use knowledge to improve the quality of our lives and the health of our communities.