
音乐系一直很忙! 忙着推出产品, 会见著名音乐家, 以新颖有趣的方式挑战我们的学生. I’d like to take you on a brief music tour and offer you a window into what we’ve done during the winter trimester and what we are looking forward to debuting in the spring.

Chorus, 多元文化组合, and Elite Ensemble came together to film a moving rendition of A Change Is Gonna Come. 我们的一些学生在中国的家中拍摄了他们自己! 用今天的技术,我们能做的事情是惊人的. Greg Lipscomb and Phyllis Arnold worked together on this project along with Film Department Head, Brian Pearson. The result of this collaboration was a very effective and emotive piece. 接下来是合唱部分, Elite Ensemble, and Dance is another collaboration—the entire children's opera Brundibar. They’ve already completed filming, and are currently finishing up their recordings. 此外,合唱团还录制了《韦德娱乐app下载地址》. 请继续关注这些项目. 

同时,你可以看《韦德娱乐app下载地址》 here

Jazz Roots Ensemble and Rock Band focused on recording and putting out covers. Each song had an assigned producer who would lay down a basic track to share with the rest of the band. The band would then send their recorded tracks to the producer to assemble, 执行任何请求的修复, mix the track, 然后寄还给我. We also teamed up with students in the art department who provided fun cover art for the record. 到目前为止,我们已经发布了三个封面,更多的即将到来. 

Rock Band is awesome because you get to collaborate and jam with other kids. Cathy is a master in arrangement and performance so she always has something we can work on and has incredibly fun and innovative ideas. 当我们因为COVID而远离时, we started recording covers and I was one of the “producers” for the group. 那真是一次很酷的经历. I’m really into music production and audio engineering so for me this was just another way to practice and get better at it. -Dylan McNulty ' 22 

你可以查看我们的发布 here

Jazz Roots also released their show, Jazz Roots: A Tribute To Duke Ellington. We had such a great time making this “TV special” which aired on February 19 as a Youtube premier. The show featured a selection of Duke’s songs and was interspersed with little intimate segments of members from the band speaking about Duke Ellington or sharing their personal take on the song. We teamed up with the film department for this project and I feel lots of gratitude there because I know we gave Edward Wu ’21 many hours of editing work. 

你可以去看演出 here.

哇,我们和音乐家们一起放大了! 我们和艺术家们有过一些不可思议的经历. First up was a Zoom with Grammy-winner, and massive talent, Jacob Collier. 接下来是流行歌手的Zoom, Sammy Rae (at the time Rock Band was working on one of her songs so students were pretty pumped to speak with her). We ended our special artist meet-ups with recording artist and Late Night Show Bandleader, Jon Batiste. Jon sat at a piano during our conversation and provided an impromptu soundtrack to the discussion. I must say all of these artists provided great inspiration and were so generous with their time.

请继续关注我们即将到来的艺术节活动的更多信息, including a highly anticipated guest artist on April 20 and our Young Artist Concert on April 21.

The Solebury music program is more inclusive than any other program I’ve been a part of at other schools. I’m really looking forward to being in the Young Artist Series next week. It’s a great opportunity and a great platform for students to showcase their work and share their talent and passion with the community. —Nick Lynch ’21

好了. 保持它的时尚性,独特性,并始终传播音乐之道.