


“三个想法. First, the main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing. 第二个, take time to reflect on what is your 'main thing'; as your journey unfolds, perhaps your main thing might need to change. 第三,把你的人生旅程当作一场值得经历的冒险,而不是一种需要承担的负担. (Finding humor 和 reasons to laugh helps here.)" —Tom Wilschutz, Head of School

"St和 for what you believe in while respecting others." —Annette Miller, Dean of Students

“活在当下. 善待 yourself 和 be kind to others.” —Jared Levy, 社会研究 Dept. Head

"No one will defend your ideas but you. The ability to write a letter that conveys your passions will serve you well; continue to practice this skill.——布莱恩·皮尔森(电影教师

“不要因为害怕而错过尝试新事物的机会, this is how you find out who you are. 记住,这不是彩排,这是你的生活,你想要那张“我希望我拥有”的清单....' regrets to be as short as possible.——安德烈·卢茨(科学教师

"Register to vote, 和 then actually vote! Also: Learn to cook, 和 then actually cook!——莱拉·克鲁克斯,学校护士

"Make a difference, whether by kind work or deed. Volunteer for a cause you believe in. 它滋养灵魂." —Rebecca Wilschutz, 跳舞 Teacher

"Realize that change is inevitable 和 will always move you forward. What direction that’s in is entirely up to you. Also, use eye cream before you think you need it.——朱莉·莱恩,学校辅导员

“Believe in yourself – never have doubts – 和 take a chance. You will never know success if you don’t take that chance.” —Jen Morrissey, Director of International Recruitment

“不要陷入部落主义. Include as many people in your philosophy as you can.” —Russ Carrick, 社会研究 Teacher

“Find friends who will have your back. 当你发现自己处于困境时,向他们或你的老师求助. 不要害怕寻求帮助.” —Diane Downs, 英语 Teacher, Teach2Serve Director

“When you are speaking to someone, look them in the eye! (他们不比你强).” —Gr等hen Faras, 科学 Teacher

“大学的成功在于平衡:在做你需要做的和做你想做的之间取得平衡. 找到你的.” —Rob Eichem, Director of 韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载

“在学习期间,走出你的舒适区,尽可能多地环游世界. 走出去看看这个世界比任何课程都能教会你更多. 还有,去上课. You're paying to learn, so take advant年龄 of it!” —Jordan Reed, 招生 Counselor, Dorm Head

“Remember that everything is transitory.” —Jessica Harms, Parent Relations Man年龄r

“大学是你重新开始的时刻之一. If you are single, don't worry about finding someone. 相反,享受生活,出国留学,和与你完全不同的人一起笑. Say 是的 more than you say no to opportunities 和 experiences. 关掉电视. 选择朋友要有选择性. Find the kind ones, the ones that lift you up. Find the ones that are driven 和 passionate. 利用这段时间找出你真正喜欢做的事情,然后看看如何从中赚钱. 整个宇宙(以及我们所有人)都在等着看你会给这个世界带来什么样的礼物. 祝贺2018届毕业生!!” —Sherry Goulding, Human Resources Director

“虽然人的一生中的每个年龄都会带来一些重要而美好的事情, 你的大学生活是你一生中唯一的一段时间,你可以同时成为一个孩子和一个成年人. 这使得你生命中的这段时间非常独特,特别精彩. Enjoy it, treasure it, 和 spend it well.” —Cathy Block, 音乐 Department Head

“Never underestimate the power of believing in yourself.” —Terri Miller, Track 和 Cross County Coach

“我要听从罗恩·帕吉特的天才:看那边的那只鸟.” —Zack Arrington, 英语 Teacher

“睡眠,每晚睡8小时. It is diminishing returns when you stay up late to study; it takes more time, 和 you retain less information when you are tired. Wake up early if you need to finish homework, your brain will work better rested, 而且只需要一半的时间. 总是寻求帮助. 善待 每一个人, including the administrative assistants, cleaning 和 support 工作人员 – learn their names, 交朋友. They are the people who will help you when you need something.” —Erika Fairchild, 视觉艺术 Department Head

“‘把你的眼睛放在球上,’ Francis Coppola said in 1980 when asked for advice from his young, 第一次担任电影制片人和变性人的道格·克莱伯恩在《韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载》拍摄的第一天. You can think about this advice for the next 30 years or more. 这仍然是很好的建议.——doug Claybourne(电影老师

“As you embark on this next leg of your journey, don't forget about those who stay behind or travel a separate path. Find brief moments to check in with parents, 表亲, 阿姨, 叔叔, 老朋友, 和, 是的, 韦德娱乐app下载地址 to let them know how you're doing. 我们都在为你加油,知道你也在想着我们,我们都很开心!” —Jenn Burns, Assistant Head of School

“Find a balance between studying, friends, 和 锻炼; moderation must become the key to your life." —Don Kaplan, Learning Skills Teacher

“Always remember to say thank you.” —Heather Gaghan, Annual Fund Man年龄r


“1. 要小心那些像黑洞一样吞噬时间的东西——电视、电子游戏、聚会. 每个人都有自己的位置, but there's a tremendous amount of time to do terrific, 富有成效的事情——你的工作, 参加社团活动, 服务项目, 实习, 研究, 锻炼, 校内的运动, 等. 充分利用它!

2. 出国. There's no good reason not to 和 a million why you should. Seven semesters at college are plenty. 你可能再也没有机会在另一个国家度过更长的时间了(我甚至建议你去一个主要语言不是英语的国家)。.

3. 对新想法、新思维方式和改变你计划的时刻保持开放的心态.你可能会发现自己爱上了某样东西,或者对你不知道的东西有天赋, 和 it may cause you to alter your path, 改变你的计划, 等. 这没问题.

4. 不要以为你会找到你的人,你一生中最好的朋友等等. on the first day, in the first week, even in the first semester. Sometimes it takes a bit of time to do this, 这就是为什么参与上面提到的事情很重要——它有帮助. I think too many people transfer because of this, when the reality is that it isn't a change in school that's needed, 它的耐心.” —Scott Eckstein, Director of Admission